
Bathbomb-G (Griffon Subtype)

Bathbomb-M (Mermaid Subtype)

Pollution-E (Earth Subtype)


  • This is one interesting and stinky subtype!
  • Their bodies are drippy in nature
  • Translucent or solid smoke wings, most drip.
  • They come in all body types, Pegasus, unicorn, bat, earth, etc.
  • They are generally dull in color!
  • They have the ability to glow!
  • Smoke wrapping around the body (common)
  • Drippy eye (common)
  • Drippy hooves (uncommon)
  • Major mutation (mythical)
  • Minor mutation (rare)


Pollution-P (Pegasus Subtype)

Pollution-F (Fawn Subtype)

Pollution-B (Bat Subtype)

Pollution-U (Unicorn Subtype)

Pollution-G (Griffon Subtype)

Pollution-M (Mermaid Subtype)

Frozen-E (Earth Subtype)

  • These Scented Ponies can be any body type, including fawns.
  • They are generally cooler in color, but may have warm tones.
  • Smoke tails appear jagged and have a frozen appearance.
  • Frozen types have jagged candles and flames.
  • They can breathe ice/cold fire
  • Their candles/flames are endothermic!
  • Frozen hooves (uncommon)
  • Ice antlers (common) fawn type only
  • Ice antlers with leaves and twigs inside (uncommon) fawn type only
  • Leaves ice when walking (uncommon)
  • Neck item made of ice with something trapped inside (uncommon)
  • Snow limbs (uncommon)
  • Ice limbs (rare)
  • Warm flames/hot ice (rare)
  • Dry ice hooves (rare)
  • Frozen ice crystals in tail (rare)
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