

Visual Trait Index

🪙 Wishing well species.

"What happens to the scented pony when their candle melts away? Though commonly assumed, they do not return to Orion's warm embrace immediately, instead opting to whisk through the skies, mixing their scent with the wind. Smokemade type grants your scentie an ability to take a brief glimpse into the future and see what it'll be like to lose their wax and be fully surrounded by the smoke."

  •  This type does not have a candle and ear flames. The flames (or bubbles) float around the body instead. There can be a lot of flames, or a single one.
  • This type can only be made from "normal" species equivalent type (like in the examples), so their smoke tail colors would be clear. The pony can freely shift between the types. This type does not count as fusion.
  • Scenties have to have their neck item; else they would disappear after the slightest gust of wind.
  • Their bodies are fully smoke - when designing, only colors of the smoke tail and flames of the original design can be used. Tail is connected. (if original tail was shaped, the smoke on the body can be shaped as well.)
  • The Smokemade design is must look similar (aka. share the visual traits) of the original type (ex.: have antennas and wings for fairy type, claws fangs wings and tails of dragon type and etc.), just reimagine them all made of smoke.

Required traits:

- Smoke body

- Flames/Bubbles around body

- Glowing, pupiless eyes

Optional traits:

- Smoke ears

- Attached wings (if pegasus, dragon, fairy)

- Smoke markings (original body's markings can be mimicked, but only smoke colors must be used.

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